Here comes the rain...

Rain today after weeks of glorious sunshine, it has been lovely to sit at my desk and look out onto the garden. Not so much now as my son and husband have ripped half of it up, only to come to an abrupt holt until the builders merchants reopen in a few days.

I attended my first Coccannon networking group this morning, an online meeting with other businesses. I've never hid my slight dislike of networking but I have a whole new attitude now everything is online and I don't have to stress about being out for hours at a time and clients contacting me when I'm not in the office.

I'm pleased I have work and pleased a number of my established clients are still going at this strange time. I have several new projects, all very different. One for a hair care brand, one for a property website and another 'fingers crossed!' for a new Nutrition/food/Youtube business, with a bit of design thrown in, combined with designing a leaflet for a local food bank.

I felt I'd let things slip ever so slightly for a few weeks, getting to my desk at ten to nine or 9 o'clock but I've reverted back to my old routine and back to my desk for 7.30-8am and planning my day and week as I always have done. I think the constent 'relaxedness' of the rest of my family who are either off school, college or furloughed rubbed off on me, but not for long!

I've added an OFFER page to the website today as I seem to be getting requests for social media packages.

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