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I can't believe we are in late August already, I don't like to see the summer slipping away and I cling on to it for as long as I can, usually early Oct is when I finally give in to Autumn. I've had a bit of a mini re-brand, I've had a few versions of the Quack logo over the past 9 years and I think this is my favourite so far. I'm sure it will remain like this for some time now. I probably wouldn't recommend to clients that they changed their logo 3 times in 9 years unless...

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blog leicester, branding, building your business, business card design, business support, design, entrepreneur, leicester, Leicester social media, marketing leicester, networking women, quack media, shopify leicester, shopify partner, shopify webdesign -

A few weeks ago I got a call from Michelle Kent, PT and Sports Massage Therapist. I stupidly thought she was going to ask me about her new re-brand, which she did in the end, but began by asking if I'd return to her Wednesday morning circuit training class, caught totally unawares of course I replied 'yes.' Without a minute to think, I just thought... 'well I really need to go' hence my reply. Michelle then went on to say she was ready to pick up from where we left off last year having started her re-brand from Kent Country...

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blog leicester, leicester blogs, Leicester social media, mums in business, networking women, quack media, shopify, shopify leicester, shopify partner, shopify webdesign, Shopify websites, shopifyleicester -

I've felt cooped up the past few weeks, but today I feel Spring is very much on the way. Walks are my thing but I guess we've all had enough of being in doors, so the lighter days will make all the difference. I'm working on several Shopify projects, one large one who's start has been delayed but I hope to be able to get on with that next week. There isn't much point starting until I have what I need, although the mock up has been approved. The second site is partly started, it involved adding some more click...

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shop online, shopify, shopify leicester, shopify partner, shopify pics, shopify webdesign, Shopify websites, social media, Social media management Leicester -

... over my knee, typing this. Just back from a rather long doctors apt with my 83 year old mum, answering emails as I sat in the car, thank goodness I work for myself at times like this. We've had a new smart meter fixed at home since I've been back, keeping Buster our dog out the way was fun, but all he wanted to do was to sniff the engineer. 3 websites on the go, one deadline for 14 days the other early in the new year and the third which was 1st Dec I'm waiting to hear on,...

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blog, entrepreneur, shopify leicester, shopify partner, shopify webdesign, social media Leicester, Social media management Leicester, social media support -

I didn't need to read loads of books by famous people in business to be told how to treat people, I've always done the odd job either for free or in return for something else or trade or even just because I knew the person needed my help and if they didn't get that help they couldn't move on and seize an opportunity. Somethings are also down to time, at that time that person might really need you and in months or years to come, they may return the favour. To a point! none of us want to be used or...

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