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I think I'm over yesterday, snow, sun, rain, wind, snow, sun... Beautiful walk this morning in the chilly sunshine, always a good start to the day. My mind is full of projects, things at home, my father-in-laws impending funeral and all the dancing and singing my daughter does, alongside checking on my elderly parents, it's their chiropodist appointments this afternoon, and I thought life with toddlers in tow was tricky, that was nothing to this time of my life.  But I must say I feel the best I have probably felt in about 20 years, mentally and physically, although I'm only...

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blog leicester, branding, building your business, business card design, business support, design, entrepreneur, leicester, Leicester social media, marketing leicester, networking women, quack media, shopify leicester, shopify partner, shopify webdesign -

A few weeks ago I got a call from Michelle Kent, PT and Sports Massage Therapist. I stupidly thought she was going to ask me about her new re-brand, which she did in the end, but began by asking if I'd return to her Wednesday morning circuit training class, caught totally unawares of course I replied 'yes.' Without a minute to think, I just thought... 'well I really need to go' hence my reply. Michelle then went on to say she was ready to pick up from where we left off last year having started her re-brand from Kent Country...

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