Social Media & Mindfulness Leicester
Wow October already.
The Digital course with Anicca is going well, so much I didn't realise I already new, and some of it slightly over my head. It's strange how we doubt our own knowledge at times.
Sometimes my design work isn't that straight forward and client's plans change or they actually change their minds and sometimes clients simply can't face moving forward, which I completely understand. I'd started a lovely design project only to find my client whom I've known for many years, simply didn't feel she could carry on and lost confidence in her ideas., it happens.
On a separate subject I am very excited to have been asked to speak at Brooksby College in Melton Mowbray this month. My talk will be a mix of what it's like to be self employed along with my mindfulness talk encouraging confidence and resilience offering the students ways in which they can build their own confidence and begin to really believe in themselves.