New year - new Shopify launch

New year - new Shopify launch

Very pleased to announce our latest project for The Lockdown Studio is now live.

I became rather excited when I went to speak to Darren and Sasha about Darren's new  sound and recording studio in Melton Mowbray. It is very impressive and I remember saying 'I can see it all now in my mind' and that was it. Darren had designed the logo himself but we gave it a little tweak adding the sound waves. We were all on the same page from the start and it ran very smoothly.

Darren asked me to come up with ways he could promote the new studio across social media and I suggested several posts all matching but different images and videos, with punchy sayings and strap lines along with a Facebook advertising campaign to get noticed.

I've got to admit I loved this one, from start to finish.

I'm also please they have decided to run with it and, pardon the pun 'drum' up attention even though the country is in Lockdown. All time Darren can be building his audience for the day they start taking bookings.



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