Back after Christmas but still coughing and spluttering after nearly 3 weeks of this dreadful cold/flu thing.
Lots of new projects in the pipeline and yesterday I gave myself a little 'well done' sticker to put in my diary for getting through the day. I guess it helps working from home that I can snuggle up and keep warm and if need be have a break. But I'm sure I'll be fine!
I have a few things I still need to catch up on as although I was online a little over Christmas I simply didn't feel well enough to work.
My diary is filling up for the next few weeks and I'm excited to working on a joint event that is happening in March. A lovely black tie evening of celebration and music, more news on that over the coming weeks.
1st job to today is remove Christmas off a clients website (or two) and update with Valentines! I recommend to all my clients update their sites often especially if they are trading online, as you wouldn't want a returning customer to see the same message and images over several months.