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With regards to my website that is. I was excited to collect a new Mac two weeks ago, finally being able to hand my husbands back to him that he has leant me the past few years. Something I'd put off doing for a while. Social media post design is in full force, we are working with an array of different companies and clients seem to like 'bulk buying' a series of posts and content, which they upload as and when themselves. I've not updated my site for a month so I though today I'd devote an hour to brining it up...

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As I sit here typing my Parson Russell Terrier, Buster is panting like mad after a run around the park. It's actually too warm and we would never usually walk him on such a warm day but he was desperate to go out. It has been a strange few weeks juggling my parents move and driving them about alongside all the usual work. I have purposely pulled out of various networking groups online and on Facebook as I felt they were detrimental to my working day. I started to feel I was wasting spare time and valuable work time being...

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About to embark on what for me will be rather a large website project. I love the company, what they do, that always helps, it will be clean, slick, cool and have some great photography, and behind it a comprehensive busy online shop. It's right up my street as it's all about 'selling a lifestyle' makes me want to completely change my own website from colourful and quirky to slick and streamline, so I might just do that! watch this space... oh and another Shopify site I work on is getting the same streamline simple , 'wow love it' treatment, feeling...

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Really happy for my daughter who's gone back to school today. I already miss her coming up to kiss me and making me cups of tea! but really happy she's back wit her friends, albeit in a bit of strange class room arrangement. It's very quite in our office at home, the sound of the trees in the wind, my husband tapping away on his computer and the odd 'bellowing' phone call he has. We've even decided to escape for lunch together, wow what a treat that will be!!! In terms of design, I am creating by the bucket load,...

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I'd forgotten despite it being in my diary and knowing in my mind it was A'Level results day today, until I saw another mums post on Facebook at 10 this morning. I texted my son and said 'please let us know what your results were, when you check your emails.' Although I saw him at 6.30 this morning as he left for work for his new job in thatching, I didn't remember it was results day.  Very pleased he texted me to say he'd got his predicted grades, B B C. I did think one B might be an A...

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